Tag Archives: encouragement

Closing Argument

Icy glares and cold lit stares. Fall on walls in even glares. Beneath the flames of energy, A time has come for you and me. The silence opens and splits the night, The calling is the heaven’s blight. Satan rocks the icy grave, Where door of death gave way to save. Christ’s victory has spoken …

The Art of Being Me…

Imagine, if you would, you just walked in on the conversation God was having with me the other night.  I was discouraged, but God wasn’t having it.  Every time He would compliment me, I had my reasons on why that couldn’t be the Holy Spirit.  “God would never feel that way about me,” I thought.  “He’s much too perfect.” …

Still Small Voice

My voice can get lost underneath the weight of the world.  The rigamarole that life affords begs for silence, even stillness if we are able to express the intentions of our struggles with God.  How we hear God respond denies the assets that this world affords and all the noise that goes along with it.  …