Gary, I brought you here for honor. I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions. Ready?
As usual.
Gary, I wanted to know something about you. Do you love me?
Lord, I love You in my own way I suppose. I love what You do, I love the way You make me feel, I love how truly loving You are, and I love You more than I’ve ever felt like I have. I shall love Thee better yet tomorrow. I don’t really love You the way I should.
Good answer. That’s honest.

The second question is this. When do you want to appear in the world and start mixing stuff up?
It’s a funny question but I kinda’ already felt like I was. If You mean end times stuff; I’d say as soon as possible, but I know how patient You are. We don’t want anyone to perish.

Gary, do you smoke?
You know Lord. You know I smoke once or so a day, but I like my tobacco inhaler. Smoking isn’t the same as vaping; we’ve discussed it.
Then, if that’s the case, what was the conclusion we came to?
That smoking is not a sin; it’s more about who you annoy with it.
That’s true.
I like smoking; I like it very much, and I trust there won’t be a problem with that.
There’s no problem with me, but I feel very vindicated in you saying that. In general, I feel very happy with your smoking habit and I don’t want or need you to quit.

What is the biggest responsibility you have as a human being?
Pleasing God; we were created for your good pleasure.
If that’s true, why do so many people think it’s about obeying the rules?
Because we need to be brought to end of human effort so that we can please You. You don’t rescue a drowning victim until he’s quit struggling.

Next question, question #3. What is the best way you can please God?
Well with faith. It’s impossible to please You without it.
Gary, I think you’ve got great faith.
Thanks, Dad.