The very idea of waiting around for God to do something is the very abandonment of solid effort. I love you, and I love the idea of letting go of things that weigh me down.
I want to bless you, I know how, and I will bless thee again. I want to let you know that I am solid in my effort. When I do things for you, it’s easy because you pray that it will be.
There was a time when I didn’t want to pray. I want to pray now, but it’s much easier than it used to be.
There was a time you prayed for the strength to pray, and now it seems if little is resolved that way. You kinda gave up on formal prayer and started just talking to me.
I remember. Still, it’s difficult at times to pray in public. I often think that I want to impress people and not just you.
Do you remember when you felt that way when you sang at church too?
I want you to conquer public prayer in exactly the same way. This is what I suggest:
- Wake up every day and say the LORD‘s prayer. (LORD help me to do this)
- Practice praying out loud at home. (LORD help me to do this)