“SSo, it’s October,” I said, knowing where the conversation was going.
Right you are son, right you are. The time of Autumn; crisp leaves, cool breezes… you can leave your windows open again. God blesses the time of Autumn and I bless you too!
Yes, thank you. I do feel blessed. So that leads me to my question for today’s blog. “What’s the deal with Halloween?” So many Christians say it’s wrong. What’s your stance on that?
Well honestly, I’m pro-choice on that matter.
The reason is this Gary… If you do something that is the antithesis to what you believe is right, do you feel convicted?
I do.
Sadly many people do not. Would you believe I have bigger fish to fry than Halloween?
Yes, I would believe that easily.

Well, it’s true. For all the petitioning and fliers that get handed out against Halloween by churches, a better intention would be to obligate their heart to a story about how much Jesus loved children, and about how Jesus even said, “Let all the little children come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of God! The church could even go on to say that friendship with Jesus is like the sweetest candy their child will ever taste, and that you would love to have them attend Sunday school and find out more about it.
Then God said, “If there was a Hallows Eve party, I would not impose upon them what I think a costume should be like because I would want the children to feel like they were having fun dressing up, like it was a positive experience. Let’s face it Elijah, dressing up as a biblical character is great for Me, but it’s boring for kids.”
Once more God said, “Lastly, I have one regret. Now God doesn’t regret things very often. As you recall there was a time when I regretted making humankind in the days of Noah. But I regret the pride and arrogance of my children. So often things are done in such as way as they are thought to be representative of me, when they are the furthest thing from the truth. Imagine Jesus on Halloween.”
I do LORD, I can imagine Him.
Do you see him trying to prevent the holiday from happening?
Actually no. In my mind, I see Him enjoying it and turning people’s hearts toward Him.

It’s not such a stretch you know? Jesus does enjoy Halloween. Think of all the lit up smiles and generosity He sees. Yes, He sees atrocities too, and He chooses to enjoy the good things anyway. It’s not so difficult to imagine. He’ll set everything straight in due time.
Are you worried it’s a pagan holiday, full of demonic symbols?
Yes, more or less… worried is not really a good word for it. It concerns me to some extent, but not many really think themselves a devil worshiper. Does that mean they are not?
Well, no. According to the Bible, you’re either a servant of Christ or a slave of sin. If you’re a slave of sin you worship the devil, whether or not you know or would admit to it.
Exactly! So my main concern in having demonic references on Halloween is that people would see them and lie to themselves saying, “I’m not as bad as all that,” when in fact there is no difference apart from Christ. For Christians they have no power, but don’t wear your liberty as a cloak either, causing weaker brethren to stumble.
Scary movies… what’s your stance on those?
I hate them. You shouldn’t watch them because I don’t want you to fear. Fear not! But I know your frailty, and I will have mercy on you.
They really don’t feel like they scare me.
They affect you more profoundly that you realize; you should see your dreams! But you know, we’ll work on that one day.
11/5/21 – God did eventually work on this in my life. He gradually gave me enough courage to face nightmares.
Okay thanks. Are there any questions that you might want to say to people who have questions about Halloween?
Well I would definitely say I can’t be contacted through Ouija boards; throw those horrible things away. They may sell them at toy shops, but they are demonic. Also I would say if you have children, please tell them before they go out that Jesus loves them, and is hoping they get lots of yummy candy.

Romans 14:22-23
Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. 23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin. (NKJV)