Session 2
What’s the first thing you think of when you think of me?
Love, forgiveness, mercy, truth; all in equal array. That’s the textbook answer.
And how do you feel?
Like I’ve got a best friend. ☺

Do you know how cherished you are?
I don’t think a day goes by without me saying that I love you, yet you still don’t feel as valued as someone who thinks too highly of himself. Why do you think that is?
I guess I kind of feel like the world is louder than you. Would you turn down the volume on the world?

Dismiss not that which is common.
LORD, at your hand, I pray that it would be that way.

Free will. What are your thoughts?
Free will is one of mankind’s greatest treasures, yet it’s one of the first things man gives away. Man willfully entangles himself in the bonds of sin and shouts that he is free. So although free will is one of mankind’s greatest gifts, there is a great deal of misconception surrounding it.
love the dialogue- some of my poems are also dialogue with Jesus