Session 1
We’re told that one day you will wipe every tear from our eyes. When you wipe away our tears, is it with a feeling of resentment, or is it loving?
Well, what would I resent?
Resentment for having shared our pain. I get that way sometimes. I don’t mind helping someone out once or twice, but when someone is truly needy, I get tired and I kind of feel like someone should be looking out for me.
I feel that way sometimes. Regarding heaven, there is only one salvation and I’m not about to go through that again. But what’s done is done.

What did COVID do?
It made people sit inside and rest even though they didn’t want to.
Did it teach the world that work is important?
Yes, it did.

What do you think of social rioting?
I think that, in general, it’s outdated. It goes all the way back to days of Noah. Sodom and Gomorrah had similar riots.
I’m sensing a pattern.
Perhaps it’s not just me then…

Do you love gay people?
I love gay people. I guess I would have to define what gay is though. I do find the fact that I have to define what gay is problematic. Don’t you, Gary?

Are you happy with your children?
I am definitely happy, but my happiness comes from something other than you guys; it comes from something within… it makes up who I am. When I created happiness I gathered my strength and let people know that it was available to them in limited supply.
Was it introduced after the fall?
Yes, exactly. Before the fall of man, everyone knew joy and it was so, and it was good. After man got too smart for his own good and decided to create his own happiness I blessed it for a lack of contention. I couldn’t bear the thought of mankind being without a giver, so I introduced laughter.
So, why Father, is it in short supply?
Because eternity awaits.