1) Instead of saying what you should have done, say this is what happened. Anything else is an imposter.
2) Where God says the night is over and the dawn begins, darkness and every evil thing fall.
3) Present-day discoveries are predicated by a delight in diligence.
4) As the pages turn, fairy tales will find an end, but God’s love is an eternal story.
5) If my work is not done, then my means will have an end, but better than means is faith.
6) True acts of kindness are not often seen, but if no one appreciates them, they are seldom around.
7) The delight of the Master is the light in your eyes.
8) Where the church is divided, unity will demand a mend. Though they are two separate cloths, if sewn in faith, the seam is true.
9) He who justifies his heart will have no restitution, but he who pleases God’s will have his day.
10) Delight daily in sin? Then we give no benefit to others. But God corrects our delight, and others benefit from Him instead.
11) A man of the cloth is exalted in the eyes of their flock, but God still sees the cross.
12) Like bandits, naysayers steal joy, but God gives His joy away freely.
13) Dabble in sin, lose a finger. Deny the finger was ever there and lose an arm.
14) Deny that life is precious and gain a lie. Exalt that lie, and gain death.
15) Hypocrisy is a rose with thorns. It is beautiful in the eyes of men, but filthy rags to God. “Why aren’t more people obedient?” it cries, “Don’t I weep for thy cause O God?”
16) Divisive men seldom divide right from wrong, but those who abide gain in understanding.
17) Ponder God’s weight… Lighter than a breath, but with an utterance of might. If you consider a thundercloud, you have arrived at the heart of the matter.
18) You drink and drink, but did you stop? You can guarantee it when the bottle is empty.
19) If you are given to hospitality, invite guests into your home. If you give sacrificially, consider your guest list carefully.
20) You have arrived at a conclusion. Within yourself, it dies alone, but if you confide in others, it lives faithfully. Tell everyone repeatedly and did you really have anything to say, or were you boasting from the very beginning? Because the conclusion of a matter stands on its own merit.